Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun. It's dusty and cold with a thin atmosphere. Mars is our most explored body in our solar system. We've sent rovers to roam the landscape mostly for signs of
alien life. In 2021, China became the 2nd nation ever to land successfully on the planet. With more plans in the future for humanity to return there once more.
Traits of Mars
4th Planet from the Sun.
It has two moons.
It's almost 2 times smaller than Earth.
A person would weigh less on Mars.
A year on Mars is almost twice as long as a year on Earth.
The core of Mars might be similar to Earth's core.
Mars has about one tenth of the mass of Earth.
On Mars, you'd experience 62.5% less gravity than you're used to.
Mar's atmosphere is 100 more denser than Earth.
Surface of Mars is orange and red because it's covered in iron oxide dust giving it the nickname "The Red Planet".
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