The Moon is Earth's only natural satellite. It orbits Earth 30 times. The result of that is how we get lunar days: 29.5 Earth days matching the lunar month.
The Moon's gravitational pull can change things on the Earth's surface for example the tides go up and down and can be predicted by monitoring the Moon's pull.
Traits of The Moon
The Moon drifts away from Earth by 3.8 centimeters every year.
A person would weigh less on the Moon.
The Moon has no atmosphere.
The Moon experiences Quakes.
The Moon is the 5th largest natural satelite in the Solar System.
The surface temperature can reach boiling point.
The Moon causes tidal budges on Earth.
Gets light directly from the Sun.
It is 400 times smaller than the Sun.
The Moon has dust clouds made up of high impact particles off of comets from Space.
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